Recovery Coaches are connectors

Recovery Coaches Canada (RCC) is working to elevate interest in recovery coaches and their services nationwide.

Addiction in this country is rampant, and its solutions are elusive. Recovery Coaches broadly used in the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia and other countries are greatly needed in Canada.

RCC works to place well-trained coaches where they are most needed in Canada.

This will take advocacy, teamwork and, in some cases, lobbying efforts.

RCC also plans to do everything it can to legitimize recovery coaching in Canada, ensuring that the best in the field find work.

This will include setting standards through our own accreditation and code of ethics.


Recovery Coaches Canada is a network of qualified Recovery Coaches who represent the profession to governments, employers, insurers, and the public. We are collaborative and inclusive, advocating for and building a legacy for our members across Canada.


We will build the Association with clarity of purpose to become a valued voice at the policy-making table and to provide access to recovery coaching for all Canadians who need it. We will do this by leading with our values.


  • Inclusive

  • Transparent

  • Trusted

  • Innovative

  • Ethical